Saturday, October 2, 2010

BP4_Teacher Tube and Stopwatch

My Favorite Web 2.0 Tools
Wow, in searching for Web2.0 tools that would work in my 7th & 8th grade Science classroom, I came across the perfect tool I wish I would have found years ago. I have tried to use YouTube at school before, but it is always blocked even for teachers. I have tried to get it unblocked but have been told that it will always be blocked. I finally found the answer - Teacher Tube! I think I could spend an awful lot of time on this site due to the fact that it was so useful. There is a Science Lab Safety Rules Rap which covers the rules I focus on and at the same time is very entertaining. It also repeats the rules that are used the most. I'm sure my students will not only enjoy this video immensely, but it will also reiterate what I teach. Teacher Tube has so many options available that I definitely recommend it for everyone as there is something for everyone.

As I searched through YouTube I found so many different sites that went right along with my curriculum and will reinforce what I teach and will allow me to teach to Multiple Intelligences.

Once I got started searching, I just couldn't stop and I also found Stopwatch. This is a tool which allows me to have a giant stop watch on my classroom screen via our document camera so that all students are able to see the time click down. We use stop watches very frequently for our labs. We just finished a lab dealing with soaking vinegar eggs in corn syrup and having to time them for thirty minutes, taking data every ten minutes. I had a small stopwatch on my desk and the large one visible for everyone to see would have been so wonderful.  For most people, this tool would not be very useful; however, for a science teacher, it definitely could be very useful for a classroom or laboratory.  


  1. Sue,
    I agree that Teacher Tube is an amazing tool to use in the classroom. There are so many videos in such a wide variety of subjects that Teacher Tube can be useful to almost any teacher, no matter what grade level or subject! Teacher Tube also allows you to post your own videos. I have used Teacher Tube before in my classroom and my students have always loved it! I think a great idea for older students might be to create their own video to post to Teacher Tube. You could have your students work in a group to create a video on whatever topic you want! I think the students would love creating a video to post!

  2. Sue,
    I actually used the Scientific Method video in my classroom this year. My students loved it and though it was hysterical. The one that you have posted here is the best one I have found on the site. Going off of what Jessica said there are many ways you can use TeacherTube in your classroom by uploading videos. This year, I plan on having my social studies students (you could do the same with science) create a video biography of someone famous in the period of history we are studying. Just be sure to have consent forms saying that it is okay to post video/media of a student online before you assign the project.
