Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Raising Test Scores for All Students: An Administrator's Guide to Improving Standardized Test Performance/Using Data to Make Better Educational Decisions
Picture courtesy of Word Clip Art
Using data to improve instruction
·      Set up a school-wide plan
A   Everyone needs to be on the same page - teachers, parents, administrators
·      Find data to help design plans for instruction
Us  Using spreadsheets to show all data and compare

Back to school with the class of Web 2.0:  Part 1.

3 parts to document
·      Entire list of Web 2.0 tools to help teachers
o   All researched and testes
o   Dealing with all subjects
o   Proven help to assist kids in learning
o   Entertainment while learning
·      Office applications
·      Actual classroom cases of Web 2.0 tools

Wide Open Doors. Net
Facts about gaming in education
·      “Games, if done right, can become a powerful tool to get groups to work together
o   An 8th grader plays 5 hours of games per week
77% of all high schoolers have played games
50% of all kids who play games admit that gaming keeps them from studying
In order to be a good, educational game the student should not feel as though they are playing a game not studying
The quality of the graphics needs to be enticing
Are there multiple levels to offer a challenge?
Does a student want to continue to the next level?  

o   See article for complete list of facts and statistics
·      List of questions to help teachers evaluate gaming sites

The Impact of 1:1 Laptop Use on Middle School Math and Science Standardized Test Scores.

·      Longitudinal data comparing pretest and posttest scores using computer group and control group
·      Multiple studies done
·      Used preexisting test scores as a base for info
·      “The results suggest that 1:1 laptop instruction can increase student achievement under certain conditions.”
·      Entire study deals with science and math results when a 1:1 student to computer ratio is met

All pictures courtesy of

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