Sunday, October 10, 2010


Ok, I think I finally am getting the hang of Spreadsheet.  I have finally decided upon all of the sections and the organization should work.  It took awhile to get the initial data all loaded in and I am still trying to figure out exactly how to keep track of everything.  On Study Island (SI), for administrators there is an area where you can check on each students' accomplishments and progress.  I am wondering if that is where I should get all my data or if I should have students report their data to me in order to give them more ownership.  The only problem with that is they are to be working on this at home and I'm not sure they will remember to tell me everything.  Also, I am in the computer room for only one period per week with my SI  kids.  This is going to be a bit confusing, but I think I'll get it all from the SI administrators page and just work with it from there.
Here is a screen shot of part of what I have so far.  It is definitely a work in process until I see what works the best.  There are still a lot of things for me to learn; for instance, why the orange box is around some of my data, how to add in a students alphabetically without having to retype everything or cut/pasting one at a time.  I am excited to see what this tool can help me to accomplish!

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