Friday, May 6, 2011

MAC Blog Post 4 week 1: Presentation

When I first read about the presentation I knew exactly what group of people to whom I would present.  We are getting a new principal next year and just got a new superintendent and assistant superintendent so our district and building are going through a lot of changes.  My AR Project deals with the Study Island computer program and testing to see if the use of it increases students' knowledge in science and therefore increases their scores on the Ohio Achievement Assessment (OAA).  Our school just started using Study Island this year and our current principal was going to make the decision as to continue the program or not based on my findings.  However, due to our multiple administration changes they are discussing dropping the Study Island program all together.  I am going to use my presentation to try to persuade them to allow the program to continue.  It would require multiple changes in the way the daily schedule is set up for next year, but I am hoping that my presentation, qualitative data and quantitative data are enough to do the convincing.  Also, we have two other middle schools in our district and neither of them currently use the Study Island program.  I will be presenting to them to try to convince them to speak with their principals to try to get the program started in all three buildings.  The picture above is a screen shot of an IEP student's Study Island success (P = proficient, Ac = accelerated)!

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