Monday, May 9, 2011

MAC Blog Post 4 week 2 - Presentation

I keep thinking about my final presentation and I know the intention is that we present outside of our district and they may be possible for me eventually, but I think I really need to present in my district first.  I have started my Power Point and I think I will add some audio to it, but most of my data will be presented as quantitative data.  I am really nervous that our new principal, assistant principal, superintendent and assistant superintendent are going to do away with our Study Island intervention.  My schedule for next year already does not give me time to do this intervention.  It is my true hope that my data is enough to prove success with this program.  However, I guess I also need to keep an open mind because maybe they have done research and found another program which might have even greater success.  This presentation may prove very crucial in keeping the program I researched going.  The quote comes to mind, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!"

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